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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why do bad things happen?

Why do bad things happen?
There is one thing that we can all agree on.  Bad things happen.  After that it gets a little fuzzy.
 I was raise around a great group of people and an extraordinary family.  My mom got cancer when I was 6 and passed away when I was 12.  She was a single mom with an ex-husband that was dedicated to his family.  My sister and I saw struggle, but my mom did an amazing job to keep it from us as much as she could.  After my mom passed away people explained to me that everything happens for a reason and God won’t give us more than we can handle.  I hadn’t been taught the full gospel of Grace at that point, but something in my heart told me that what people were telling me wasn’t true. 

You see, the love that my parents gave me and the influence that people like my grandma had on me encouraged my belief system.  I knew Jesus came to save us and I was pretty convinced that God was a loving God.  At that age I simply refused to believe that the Love that I saw from my parents and family was greater than the Love that God had for us.  These people and this message in my life influenced who I am today and gave me the drive to announce for the rest of my life to anyone that would listen that God was a good God and God didn’t want bad things to happen to us. 

For me, the next logical step was the Word.  I began going to a church that taught out of the bible more than I had ever seen before.  I have always been analytically minded and have the type of wiring in my brain that doesn’t allow conflicting concepts in.  So, after reading about Jesus for myself I decided that he was good.  I quickly realized that the people that showed me love only had the capacity to share this love because they had seen a small glimpse of this God through their relationship with Love (God).   
Once I established my roots in the fact that God was good, and loving I started focusing on who I was to Him.  I found quickly that I was justified because of Jesus and my righteousness was established because of what Jesus did and not because of anything I can do (self-righteousness).  Now it was time to evaluate the things people had been telling me. 

I first looked at “everything happens for a reason.”  I found that most base this theology on Roman 8:28. So, I read all of Romans (and the rest of Paul’s writings).  Here it is:

Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

What is Paul saying here?  First, let’s ask a few questions.  Does God cause bad things?  Jesus made it pretty simple in John 10:10 when he said that “the Enemy…Kills, Steals, and destroys” and Jesus came to give us “life more abundantly.”  We can also look at history and ask why there was a flood and what happened with Ananias and Sapphira?  The Bible makes it clear that humans made such bad choices that God had no choice but to destroy them or the whole world would be overtaken by evil.  Did God cause that?  Are we all puppets to reach God’s ultimate plan?  Is God so small that he only has one path to a master plan?  I believe God is big enough that he can do what Paul is explaining here.  God can take what the enemy intended for bad and bring good out of it (for who?) for those that have chosen Him.  Furthermore in Genesis 6:5-7 the bible says that God regretted making man because of the choices of man.  If man was making choices for themselves then did God change since then? 

I started to ask “what is the root of these inconsistencies?”  I found out that when the King James Bible was printed they translated it specifically to promote God’s sovereignty.  Now, I believe that God is sovereign by definition.  However, I don’t agree with most Christian’s interpretation of sovereignty.  Sovereignty doesn’t mean that you cause everything that happens.  It means that you are supreme over all.  God gave us free will.  Why? Because Love can only operate under freedom.   Furthermore, we know that God is Love and we know that Love is not self-seeking, yet we attribute bad things to God because we believe He needs them to happen to achieve His ultimate plan at the expense of His Children.

The second thing people told me that I want to touch on in this blog is “God won’t give us more than we can handle.”  If you want to point to anywhere in the bible where this is discussed you must understand it in context and not connect it to someone’s bad fortune.  In the Bible this concept means that God gives us the capacity and the ability through his gifting and strength to achieve the dreams he has put on our hearts.  This is the hands and feet stuff that Jesus talked about. 

God revealed something to me last year about this topic “God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.”  God told me “the only reason why people have the ability to accept this concept is because of the country you live in.”  He went on to paint a picture for me of a story I heard about a couple years ago.  The story I saw explained that there was an epidemic in parts of Africa where millions of babies were being born and eventually dying because their mothers were being raped by men with AIDS.  When God brought this up it wrecked me.  He showed me pictures of this and reminded me that he doesn’t want that.  I started to think about this and realized if there was any American missionary that went to Africa and told them that God won’t give them anything they can’t handle they would laugh in their face.  The fact is that this world does give us more than we can handle, but we have a great God that heals, restores, and gives life to those that call His name. 

God is not a murderer, hit man, or the elf on the shelf.  He is a loving father and the purest definition of good.  He loves you deeply and isn’t interested in being a getaway driver for the enemy.  The enemy has stolen enough from us.  It is time that we stand up to the enemy and say “we aren’t going to accept your lies anymore.”  We need to say “we are the children of God and through the blood of Jesus we have concurred death and have authority in this world.”

He passionately loves you.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy Happy Happy

I would like to talk about one of the biggest lies ever told. It is killing relationship after relationship. Generation after generation. 

Happiness: happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

I have a super honest statement to release on this ole blog:
 My husband doesn't make me happy.
Boom. I said it. Continue reading.

My husband's actions allow me to choose to be happy. The things that he does allow me to illicit a feeling of "positive or pleasant emotions" but I had to choose to get there. I had to want to be in that mindset. I have had days where Ryan has literally done everything he can possibly think of to make me happy. I choose not to be. I choose to be grumbly, mean, and downright rude. In those moments I made a choice. Some might call it waking up on the wrong side of the bed. It was a complete and utter choice.

 You see happiness is not derived from someone else. No one will ever make you happy. Happy is a CHOICE. One of the biggest lies floating around the world is that we can make others happy if we __________ (fill in the blank). 

Lose weight. Color your hair. Buy a better car. Live in a big house. Make a lot of money.

Its a lie. Its a big fat lie. It will kill you. 

Your inner worth needs to be defined by you. Stand in knowing that you are 100% worthy in God's eyes. Be content in that. Then live your life experiencing happiness rain or shine. Don't divulge in the way other's treat you as a means to feel good and happy. Choose to be happy.  

change your thinking. change your life.


Creative Space

My boy Jack is such an awesome little dude. I think every night before Ryan and I go to sleep we talk about the cool things that Jack did that day and how crazy awesome he is!

               The boy does have one little tiny flaw...
he is a grazer... GASP! ...

He loves to walk around the house snacking or "nack" as he says. Lets be honest it is easy for me. Give the kid a cracker and he is happy for days add milk to the mix and its weeks. Unfortunately, this doesn't work for the childcare setting he goes to. He needs to be able to sit at a table and eat his food. In a chair... with no belt. I know. I know. High expectations for such a little guy, but we do not have enough high chairs for all of the children. So, big man has to be a big man. 

Over break I decided to come up with a space where he can sit at a chair and table that are made for him. His own little creative space. So he can practice his skills. We haven't made a lot of headway in the sitting to "nack" arena but at least the opportunity is there for him. Although, he has ventured over to color here and there.

Here it is:

 Jack and I painted the hearts for valentines garland... although I do love them for all the time garland ;)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Built in Spice Rack

Our oven dilemma is over! Ryan built a customized spice shelf behind the oven. The back of the oven was formerly exposed to the dining room. U.G.L.Y. let me tell ya! We wanted the room to still feel open to the dining room. Ryan and I collaborated on a pass through shelf that would be built in behind the oven.

We had to add the peg board because the oven still requires proper 
ventilation of approximately 2 inches. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Entryway Tile

We did a lot this weekend. Our house is still a tool zone. With no trip to the garage in our near future (blizzardtopia)  I have set up a folding table in our dining room to hold the tool mania.

we. did. it. 

We have committed to new carpet for both the living room and our bedroom, and of course with commitment comes a snowball of projects. So here is the list of the projects that have snowballed out of the carpet commitment:

  1. Tile the entryway (really this was decided on a partial whim while at Menards for something completely random. But the tile was so inexpensive and of course discontinued.)
  2. Tear up the carpet on the stairs and refinish them into something like this. (the first picture shown)
  3. Remove the carpet in the living room.
  4. Remove the furniture in both our bedroom and the living room. (last thing right before the installers come)
  5. Do it all while almost 20 weeks pregnant ;).
We completed the entryway first. It will need the longest time to set and we had the perfect opportunity of both of us on vacation. 

 The Process:

this is what we found when we pulled up the carpet. Someone had a vision that's for sure.

To avoid the exuberance of a wet saw we opted for this love/hate object. The cutter worked well for basic wide cuts.

Cut tiles.

Ryan, after some research choose to lay a cement board down before placing the tiles.

Ryan laying the mortar.

Tiles in place waiting for grout.

During the grouting process. Clean Clean Clean.

Fully grouted and completed floor! 

Here it is with our carpet sample! Our actual carpet has more grey tones. It will be beautiful!