blog design

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Creative Space

My boy Jack is such an awesome little dude. I think every night before Ryan and I go to sleep we talk about the cool things that Jack did that day and how crazy awesome he is!

               The boy does have one little tiny flaw...
he is a grazer... GASP! ...

He loves to walk around the house snacking or "nack" as he says. Lets be honest it is easy for me. Give the kid a cracker and he is happy for days add milk to the mix and its weeks. Unfortunately, this doesn't work for the childcare setting he goes to. He needs to be able to sit at a table and eat his food. In a chair... with no belt. I know. I know. High expectations for such a little guy, but we do not have enough high chairs for all of the children. So, big man has to be a big man. 

Over break I decided to come up with a space where he can sit at a chair and table that are made for him. His own little creative space. So he can practice his skills. We haven't made a lot of headway in the sitting to "nack" arena but at least the opportunity is there for him. Although, he has ventured over to color here and there.

Here it is:

 Jack and I painted the hearts for valentines garland... although I do love them for all the time garland ;)

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