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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy Happy Happy

I would like to talk about one of the biggest lies ever told. It is killing relationship after relationship. Generation after generation. 

Happiness: happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

I have a super honest statement to release on this ole blog:
 My husband doesn't make me happy.
Boom. I said it. Continue reading.

My husband's actions allow me to choose to be happy. The things that he does allow me to illicit a feeling of "positive or pleasant emotions" but I had to choose to get there. I had to want to be in that mindset. I have had days where Ryan has literally done everything he can possibly think of to make me happy. I choose not to be. I choose to be grumbly, mean, and downright rude. In those moments I made a choice. Some might call it waking up on the wrong side of the bed. It was a complete and utter choice.

 You see happiness is not derived from someone else. No one will ever make you happy. Happy is a CHOICE. One of the biggest lies floating around the world is that we can make others happy if we __________ (fill in the blank). 

Lose weight. Color your hair. Buy a better car. Live in a big house. Make a lot of money.

Its a lie. Its a big fat lie. It will kill you. 

Your inner worth needs to be defined by you. Stand in knowing that you are 100% worthy in God's eyes. Be content in that. Then live your life experiencing happiness rain or shine. Don't divulge in the way other's treat you as a means to feel good and happy. Choose to be happy.  

change your thinking. change your life.


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