I woke up at 5:45am for a crossfit inspired workout. I typically do crossfit inspired exercises with weights 3 days per week and do intense running (steps, hills, sprints, 5k runs) with body weight exercises 3 days per week. This is harder in the winter.
I weigh in before showering every morning. So, after 24 hours I am down 4lbs. This is due to my high-calorie intake and poor eating over Christmas and last weekend while watching football. My weight loss will slow down after 3-5 days.
I made a veggie and fruit juice again this morning. I drink about 20oz of juice per day along with my big meals. I also eat almonds for a snack.
I had eggs with cheese and asparagus and a piece of toast for breakfast.
For lunch, I had a spinach salad with black beans, chicken, and other veggies. I used salsa as a dressing.

I couldn't eat the entire salad above. Also, it takes a LOT of time to eat. The two things that stand out the most is that I haven't eaten everything on my plate once (that never happens) and it takes me 2-3 times longer to eat.
I started getting a little light-headed because of my lower caloric intake (very busy day and couldn't eat enough). When I felt that way I would eat almonds and drink juice. Both the almonds and juice have a ton of calories. The feeling would go away almost immediately.
For dinner, britt made me two pieces of tilapia and put black beans and cuscus on it. She also made the greens on the side and some cheese. I mixed it all together and it was really good!

I play basketball on Tuesday nights, so I did that for about an hour. I felt great!
I am struggling with a little congestion and runny nose that started in December. That will be gone soon!
I am considering incorporating a cheat day or cheat meal eventually. For now, I'd like to get my mind and body right by giving it as much good stuff as possible. I want to do more research, but I believe a high calorie day with some bad foods is good mentally and physically. I believe our bodies adapt to lower caloric intake which slows fat loss. My theory is that having a high calorie day will confuse my body and keep it honest. It is a method commonly used by Olympians, professional athletes, and body builders. I'll keep you updated on what I find and if I think it is beneficial.
By His Grace
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