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Friday, June 1, 2012

Heart behind the Juice Fast

Food has become somewhat of an idol for me.  Food is where I find the majority of my entertainment, pleasure, and joy.  When I look back on my childhood I remember doing a "30 hour famine" where we deprived ourselves of food for 30 hours.  I learned at that point that fasting is not about becoming closer to God or some type of religious experience but rather redirecting the way you think for a a period of time.  During this time I found that my mind was constantly on food and the fact that I was depriving myself of it.

Since that experience I have experienced a lot of great things.  I have graduated from High School, and College.  I have Married the women of my dreams and we are having my first son in less than a month.  I have obtained my dream job and I have grown a better understand of who God is and what he wants for me.  The one thing that has always dragged me down is my emotional attachment to food.  From 2004-2007 I lost 70 lbs and was in the best shape of my life.  From 2007-December 2012 I put 70 lbs back on.  Over the past 5 months I have lost 12 lbs but my emotional attachment to food has hindered my exercise regimen and weight loss goals.

Last week, my new boss told us about this documentary he watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and recommended that we all watch it.  Watching this movie was the beginning of a transformation that I believe God wants for my life.  God is not the type of God that forces things on us.  He can not force good or bad on us; we have to use our free will to receive the awesome life that he wants for us.  He will simply lead us by the water of life.  We all receive the amount of life from God that we choose.  Some people jump in head-first in some areas of their life, but will only go to the water to replenish their thirst in others.  God's Grace (His ability to provide abundant life through unmerited favor) is continually teaching me and providing a better life than I could have ever imagined!  Today is a new day, so if you are interested in jumping in head-first let me know and I will be here to support you.

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